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Watch the clip repost from PSH International Fanclub.
I adore her sweetness, politeness & natural beauty! Oh, her new hair color, really caught my eyes. So silky!
Below video recap posted by PSH International Fanclub:
[RECAP] Park Shin Hye on KBS 2TV "Win Win"
On March 1st, Shin Hye made a surprise guest appearance on KBS 2 Win Win Show.
Actor Joo Sang Woo who worked with Shin Hye on Kimcheed Radish Cubes(2008) was the show’s man of the hour. He was thrilled and relieved that Shin Hye was the surprise guest because upon seeing the enormous shadow on the glass door, he thought it was the director.
Shin Hye and Sang Wook reminisced about their time together on KRC. The MCs wanted to know since it was a love story was there any skinship. Shin Hye replied yes. At that time she was only 18 and a senior in high school when she took on the part of Sa Ya. Sang Woo was 29. This age gap was a recurring topic throughout the talk show especially when describing the kiss scene.
Shin Hye recalled expressing her concerns to her mom and to the director. She suggested to the director kissing on the cheeks rather than the lips since she was only a high school girl. He insisted it had to be lips because they were a couple and not to worry too much. He coached both Sang Wook and Shin Hye how to approach the kiss scene. From Shin Hye’s point of view it was just a “popo” but according to Sang Wook it was a kiss. The MCs agreed with him and teased Shin Hye about the different perspectives.
Shin Hye and Sang Woo mentioned many other memorable moments. Here are some highlights:
1) He asked her to call him oppa, not samchon(uncle)despite the age gap.
2) He felt funny seeing her sitting next to him after watching her on Cyrano Agency 2 days before.
3) To put her at ease on KRC, he tried to joke around with her, but failed. She was young, rather serious and didn’t understand them.
3) One day on the set she poked him and told him he had a flabby tummy. He disagreed and insisted he is someone who works out. Later that day she found him doing sit ups. He told her it just happened to be his regular daily exercise time slot.
4) The kiss scene was shot on a very cold night at Yoido Park. The scene required him to put his hands to her face. Prior to shooting the scene, Shin Hye saw him rubbing his hands together to warm them up.
5) According to Sang Woo, this was an ambitious drama for Shin Hye not only because of the age factor, but the character she played was much older than her. It was very challenging for her, but she always smiled and worked hard.
6) Shin Hye hopes he will meet someone soon and settle down. A girl who is extroverted would suit him well. MCs suggest how about her. She quickly said no and laughed.
7) Although they do not see each other often, they hear about each other through other fellow actors. Shin Hye refers to him as daddy long legs because she knows that he has inquired about her and kept a watchful eye on her.
8) MCs complement them both for having a good relationship and thank Shin Hye for guesting.
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