
Shinhye Twitter 2011.02.26-2011.03.01


a. 차카게살자 시즌2 10cm와 원모어찬스>_<) 지찬오빠멋져요 근데 너무 추워서 다 못듣구나왔어요 잉잉 http://yfrog.com/hs1oeqdj http://yfrog.com/h41ntmaj

Description: Shinhye tweet this while she was at Dream Factory charity concert. Such a supportive young lady.

a. 어제 차카게살자 시즌2!! 신혜 시집갈 뻔?! 했어요 쿠쿠~ 우리모두 차카게살아요>_<) http://yfrog.com/h2vw7zdj

Desc.: Shinhye with Lee Seung Hwan (with glasses) and team whom performed during the charity concert.

b. 주인도모르는욱끼들에게짤투척 옛다~ http://yfrog.com/h5s7cmj

Desc.: Shinhye acted as a bride in the charity concert. She's so pretty in the Hanbok costume!

c. 낮잠자서잠안와서큰일..요가가려면일찍자야하는데..자장자장~좋은꿈꾸세요~굳밤~ http://yfrog.com/h0v1ajsj

Desc.: A tweet note before Shinhye bid good nite. So sweet..

a. 자다가 두번이나 가위에 눌렸더니..초췌한 아침이네요.. 요가도 늦었어요..징징

b. 잉잉>_<) http://yfrog.com/h07acoolj

Desc.: Shinhye cute pose with Nori. Looks like she's trying to wake her up?

c. 끄응-ㅅ-
a. 두통ㅠㅠ 윽....
Desc.: "Headache". May Shinhye will get some rest and recover soon.